Calder Bendle – Dip Phyt MNIMH

Medical Herbalist

Calder Bendle Medical Herbalist

I have been practising as a traditional medical herbalist for over 30 years. I graduated from the School of Herbal Medicine where I qualified for membership of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. I was also awarded a Diploma in Phytotherapy (Dip Phyt).

Bee and yellow flower

I have worked in my own private practice and also for many years was working part time within the NHS at a local health centre. I am a teacher on the Heartwood professional training in herbal medicine.

There are thousands of medicinal plants all over the world. Herbalists in different locations and different climates have learned the uses of plants in their areas. Currently herbalists have access to a huge range of plants from different sources – amongst others I use turmeric from India, Ginseng from Asia, Echinacea, originally from North America; but I like mostly to use herbs indigenous to Britain. This is because I like to have contact with the plants that I use. I grow a number of species and collect others such as nettles and hawthorn flowers from the wild.

Bendle with interested group

I offer a holistic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of illnesses. I believe that understanding the links between emotional and physical health is an important part of healing and recovery. 

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To make an appointment or discuss any queries please call:  0794 141 4497