Delphine Sayre – MNIMH
Medical Herbalist

Since qualifying from a 4 year training in Herbal Medicine and being accepted into membership of The National Institute of Medical Herbalists ( in 1989, I have worked as a Herbalist in Sheffield. In addition to my private practice I have taught widely about Herbal Medicine, with students of the profession and other health professionals, as well as run many classes and events over the years, teaching people to use herbs safely and effectively. In addition, part of my week is spent working for a charity called Cavendish Cancer Care offering support to people affected by cancer.
As a practitioner at the Lodge, I like first to have a chat with a potential new patient on the phone, to ensure that herbs are an appropriate approach. If mutually agreed, the first visit will take up to 1 hour during which I take a detailed case history, and review lifestyle and self care habits such as diet and exercise. This is an opportunity to get to know each other, improve ones understanding of the narrative of poor health and illness, better understand the relationship between the body and emotions and work out together what can be done to best support and improve health. I will choose herbs to support the whole being and return visits are 45 minutes long and are usually arranged on a monthly basis.
For more information or to book an appointment I can be contacted by phone on 07800 642286 or by email to