Sue Bottomley – MRPharmS MNIMH
Medical Herbalist

I qualified as a Herbalist in 1994, following four years of training with the School of Herbal Medicine in East Sussex and have practised in Sheffield since then. My original training was in pharmacy, which I studied in Bath from 1983-86, and I have worked in hospital and community pharmacies in Brighton, Bristol and Sheffield.
I taught pharmacology to Herbal Medicine undergraduates for ten years, and currently deliver a seminar on Complementary and Alternative Medicine to medical students at the University of Sheffield. I am also a tutor on the Heartwood Foundation Course in Herbal Medicine.
What happens during a consultation?

A first consultation lasts about an hour, which allows plenty of time for me to listen to a full description of your health problems, as well as any concerns you may have about your diet or lifestyle. I take a full case history and may carry out a physical examination if it is relevant. I may suggest ways in which you could change your diet to support your treatment.
I usually prescribe and dispense a mixture of herbs at the end of each appointment. The herbs are given in a form that is easy to take, and each medicine is made individually.
I use my experience of orthodox medicines to help make judgements about the safe use of herbs when prescription medicines are also being taken, and can advise you if you are concerned about interactions with other treatments you are undergoing.
Subsequent appointments last 30-45 minutes and, if appropriate, I may dispense repeat prescriptions between appointments.