Tracey Taylor – MTI SCMT dip
Massage Therapist

I first became interested in massage whilst working as a receptionist at a Natural Health Centre. I enjoyed working with the variety of complementary health practitioners, and was impressed by the holistic approach.
I studied at The Sheffield Centre for Massage Training and gained MTI (massage training institute) qualification and registration in 2006.
I have been involved in a number of community projects and have been involved with Sheffield and Rotherham Asbestos Group (SARAG) in a voluntary role.

Treatment sessions are individually tailored to suit your needs. At the first appointment a range of medical and lifestyle questions will be asked to help determine the most appropriate approach. All information is confidential and every effort is taken to make you feel relaxed and in control of your treatment.
Massage Therapy
Encourages relaxation and restores a sense of balance to both body and mind.
Facial Massage
A deeply relaxing yet energising Japanese Facial Massage
This treatment is suitable for both men and women. No need to undress, but it is advisable to wear something comfortable, a vest top (for women). Not suitable for women who are pregnant or for people who have had recent botox or similar procedures or recent surgery to the neck or face.
- Stage one massage to the neck and shoulders to increase circulation to the face and reduce tension in these areas.
- Stage two detailed face massage using camellia oil as traditionally used in Japan, this is fragrance free and contains restructuring and moisturising properties.
- Stage three working tsubos ** and 8 meridians.
- Stage four lymphatic drainage to eliminate toxins.
** tsubo = acupressure point – this is a place along a meridian where the energy can be most influenced, affecting the body on many levels.
- skin tone and lymph flow are improved
- muscle tone and general appearance can be affected
- the balance of health in the whole body is stimulated
- the removal of metabolic waste products is encouraged
- many of the tsubos (acupressure points) have a specific beneficial effect on the appearance of the face
Ring Tracey on: 0114 234 5459 or 0777 276 623
Gift vouchers are available so why not treat a friend or member of your family to a relaxing massage!
I’m also available for community events: rates negotiable